Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Fruit Flush Three Day Detox

!: Fruit Flush Three Day Detox

The fruit flush three day detox diet is for the after-festive season cleansing. Jay Robb's methodology of ridding the body of all the indulgences during the holiday season is quite a rage.

Loosing all those kilos after the hearty meals and drinks during an extended party, a vacation or simply during festivities and regaining the figure and vitality is the mantra of this diet. Besides over indulgence in food and weight problems, the system gets clogged up and requires cleansing, hence the all fruit diet.

The fruit flush is strictly a 3-day diet of just fruits. Fruits help in dissolving stored toxins and the water and fiber in them help to flush out aiding in weight reduction. It also fortifies the body and helps in speeding up the liver's metabolism of environmental toxins.

1st day: the pre-flush

Between 8 am to 4 pm drink ounces of protein mix (11/4 cup protein powder and 1 quart water) every two hours. Eat 3 to 6 cups of raw vegetable salad and 3 to 6 ounces of lean chicken, beef, fish or turkey at 6 pm. Top it up with 1 to 2 ounces of olive oil or flax seed oil, or half an avocado and the juice of half a lemon. One hour after each protein drink or meal drink an 8-12-ounce glass of water.

2nd and 3rd day: fruit flush three day detox diet

From 8 am to 4 pm eat servings of fresh fruit every 2 hours. At 6 pm, like day one eat 1 serving of raw vegetable salad. Also drink one protein drink comprising of 12 ounces of water and 5 tablespoons of protein powder.

Unlike the 30-day detox or fasts, the fruit flush three day detox diet can be followed for a period of up to 12 weeks with 3-day diet and 4 days off alternatively. The diet is based on natural fruits and vegetables and followed back-to-back aids in considerable weight loss. The program has had very good reviews; dieters say the diet is rich in fiber, vitamins and antioxidants and low in potassium and sodium. This not only aids in detoxifying, losing weight but also improves energy, regular bowel movements and improves skin tone.

The fruit flush diet program does not support any preservatives, laxatives, chemicals or pills; also Robb suggests no exercise regime during the diet; yet there are a few negatives.

It is a very low calorie diet, hence not a balanced one. It is not a long-term solution for weight loss and not ideal if you are on a fat loss program. Also, those who have tried it are not satisfied that you have to use Robb's protein powder. The positive reviews definitely outweigh these and several dieters use their own handy protein mixtures and still report the desired results of the fruit flush diet program!

Fruit Flush Three Day Detox

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Perception Therapy® Training Set for Therapists and Counselors

!: Saving Perception Therapy® Training Set for Therapists and Counselors compare

Rate : | Price : $145.00 | Post Date : Dec 12, 2011 06:45:30
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The Perception Therapy® Training Manual, Wellness Guide, Therapeutic Card Deck and Journal are used daily addictions and mental health treatment programs and individual therapists as an adjunct to their current treatment protocols, or by the individual at home to assist with relapse prevention and life transformation.

Ways to Use The A.T.I. Inspirational Perception Therapy® Card Deck:

- Follow each card in the order presented;
- Follow the cards section by section;
- Choose a card from a different section each day;
- Read the card(s), repeat the positive affirmations on the front of each card, follow with meditation and journaling

The original Perception Therapy® Card Deck (53 cards included), developed by Alternative Treatment International, Inc., is specifically developed with extensive activities, affirmations, and instructions for a daily therapeutic practice that promotes health and overall wellness. Included with the Card Deck are two hand-carved inspirational stones with the sayings, "Hope" and "Peace".

The original Perception Therapy® Wellness Guide (289 pages) and Therapeutic Card Deck (53 cards included), developed by Alternative Treatment International, Inc., are specifically developed with extensive activities, affirmations, and instructions for a daily therapeutic practice that promotes health and overall wellness.

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